清华大学电子工程系微纳光电子学实验室欢迎您! English






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2017~2022 清华大学 工程物理系 博士

2013~2017 哈尔滨工业大学 应用物理学 学士



2022~至今: 清华大学电子工程系 博士后

2018~2020  美国劳伦兹伯克利国家实验室  访学



主要研究方向为自由电子辐射,太赫兹技术等,多次在先进加速器、毫米波太赫兹等会议中做学术报告,清华大学“水木学者”,曾获IET(中国)真空电子学博士生学术论坛优秀论文特等奖、全国太赫兹学术年会优秀学生报告一等奖、加速器领域刘乃泉曹小先创新奖学金、国家奖学金等,任IEEE TED等期刊审稿人



[1] H Feng, Z Zhou, Y Wu, Z Gao, Y Liang, N Huang, L Yan, H Deng, Y Du, R Li, W Lu, W Huang, C Tang,“Generation of Tunable 10-mJ-Level Terahertz Pulses through Nonlinear Plasma Wakefield Modulation”, Physical Review Applied 15 (4), 044032

[2] H Feng, L Yan, Y Wu, W Huang,“Near-ideal energy modulator for tunable THz pulse generation using sectioned hollow channel plasma system”,Physics of Plasmas 28 (10), 103101

[3] H Feng, S De Santis, K Baptiste, W Huang, C Tang, D Li,“Proposed design and optimization of a higher harmonic cavity for ALS-U”,Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (1), 014712

[4] H Feng, W Huang, C Tang, D Li,“Design of a novel bimodal cavity”,Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (6), 064703

[5] H Feng , L Yan , Y Du ,  Y Wu , W Huang, “A novel scheme on THz generation based on plasma-beam interaction”, UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre-Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT2020)

[6] T Luo, H Feng, D Filippetto, M Johnson, A Lambert, D Li, C Mitchell,  F Sannibale, J Staples, S Virostek, R Wells, “RF design of APEX2 two-cell continuous-wave normal conducting photoelectron gun cavity based on multi-objective genetic algorithm”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 940, 2019

[7] H Feng, T Luo, D Li, K Baptiste, W Huang, C Tang, Z Liu,“ Optimization of RF Cavities Using MOGA for ALS-U”, Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2019)

[8] H Feng, T Luo, D Li, K Baptiste, W Huang, C Tang, D Wang, “ Design of a Transverse Feedback Kicker for ALS-U” , Proceedings of 2019 North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NAPAC2019)

[9] C Mitchell, H Feng, D Filippetto, MJ Johnson, AR Lambert, D Li, T Luo, “ Beam dynamics studies of an APEX2-based photoinjector” , Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2019)

[10] D Li, H Feng, D Filippetto, M Johnson, A Lambert, T Luo, C Mitchell, .etc,“ Recent Progress on the Design of Normal Conducting APEX-II VHF CW Electron Gun”,Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2019)